Retreat Center
Our world has become increasingly fragmented, amplifying our need for inner harmony and togetherness. Our sense of well-being can be strengthened by dignifying our primary relationships: to self, to others, and to nature.
But what are the spatial qualities that foster these connections? What is the atmosphere of healing? What is its light, space, form, texture, and sound?
The circle is symbol of unity and perfection. It represents cellular growth and life force and the concept of infinity.
How can we assemble and organize the circle and the cell, the private and the communal, the natural and the constructed, into a unified whole, into an environment for healing? How can we move beyond the binary poles of perception to understand the true spectrum of being?
Our senses provide the pathway to understanding our environment.
With our eyes, we perceive light energy as color, form, and brightness. With our ears, we perceive sound energy as proportion, distance, and movement. With our skin, we perceive thermal energy through heat and mechanical energy through sensations of pressure, and texture.
Through thoughtful calibration of these phenomena, we can attenuate our stress response and allow the body and mind to regenerate.