Slow Food Nation

Studio Terpeluk was selected as one of 14 San Francisco Bay Area architects to design a temporary “Taste Pavilion” exhibiting a specific food product for the inaugural event of Slow Food Nation in San Francisco’s Fort Mason.

The visual properties of olive oil, its internal radiance, color shifts, and depth, were of primary importance to the experience.   Arrayed in a linear sequence, the subtle variations of the oils provide a visual cue to the great variety of regional oils available in California.  The pavilion was designed to evoke a complex experience using a simple layout and palette of materials: reclaimed wood, de-mountable steel structure, olive harvesting netting, and olive oil.  Every attempt was made to eliminate waste by engaging in the recycling stream.

AIA Special Achievement Award

Featured in: New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle



Studio Terpeluk


Peggy Knickerbocker


Brian Singer

Graphic Designer

Cesar Rubio

Matthew Millman

Adrian Gregorutti

Mark Darley

Photo Credits